
Registration $199.00 (Registration covers Administrative fees and a personalized coaching to customize the program to your needs).

Tuition: Vine University America is a 365 day a year school. 

You can advance at your own pace.
Our tuition is paid per class. Each class differs in cost based on units earned for class hours.
Please supply transcripts from other accredited programs so we can give you credit towards the degree you are studying for. This will help us when we have personalized coaching session to determine what you need to complete your desired degree. 
In order to qualify to work towards a degree, you must have a High School Diploma or GED. If you do not have this yet, you can still enroll in the classes and all class hours earned will be added to your transcript as soon as proof of completing your High School Diploma or GED is supplied to us.
If you stay an active student you do not have to pay the registration again. If you are inactive for 6 months, then you must register again. 

Registration Form

Registration Form

Education History

Degree of Interest

Please select the degree program that you are interested in.

School Documents and Transcripts

Price $199.00